Thursday, May 8, 2008


I saw a bunch of people I recognized sitting behind homeplate during the Dodger series. I assume they were from television or movies or something, but I couldn't name any of them. As an internet bloggister, I should probably know these things, but I don't.

Also, you will very rarely see a celebrity at a Mets game. You know why? Because the Mets have the fucking ugliest fans in baseball. I mean, just hideous. I think it's something about Long Island.

As far as the series went, well, Oliver Perez took another night off, Figueroa finally got banged around, and then the Mets salvaged the third game by destroying Brad Penny. And really, that was enough to make it a good series for me. I hate Brad Penny. The guy is out there showing up his own catcher by waving his arms around, saying he can't see the signs, when the real problem was that he was getting his ass kicked, as the Mets usually do to him. He broke an umpire's jaw last week because he can't understand a '2' sign from his catcher. And he used to go out with Alyssa Milano. Penny is one of the ugliest guys in baseball, but it's true. You're angry. Now you understand.

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