Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rock Bottom

Keith Hernandez (left) and Ron Darling (right) called the game Friday night.

Well, there isn't much more to be said about this Mets team that I haven't already said on this blog. They just aren't playing well, and it's getting to the point where you can't keep saying that they're a better team than they're showing. They have seemingly hit rock bottom. Maybe they just aren't that good of a ballclub. We can't keep looking for bullshit excuses for them either. It's all about "Willie doesn't have enough energy", or "when Pedro comes back", or "when Perez puts it together", or "they're showing flashes", or "this team doesn't care", or "they're better than this". It's just a bunch of lousy excuses that the media, fans, and players have been making for the players who aren't performing. It's pretty simple. Guys need to hit and pitch and field better.

*Albert Pujols is the kind of guy that will hit two bombs off you one day, then come back blasting lines drives off your face and breaking ankles.

*While considering what Braves players to add to the Met Killer list after that sweet four game sweep, I realized that the entire Braves franchise could be added to the list. Then as I pondered further, I realized that they're aren't any opposing players that are killing the Mets, it's the Mets themselves.

*FYI, Mark Kotsay was a national champion BMX racer at the age of six. Kevin Burkhart told me so. Kotsay also should have won multiple Gold Glove awards while with Oakland.

*Willie obviously doesn't read Mets-Thing. Otherwise he would have known to not play Alou every fucking day! Alou is awesome, but you can't play an injury-prone 57 year-old everyday and expect him to stay healthy.

*Do you think Minaya would ever trade David Wright? The thought hit me during one of those recent Wright interviews where he was basically talking shit about his teammates. I thought that Minaya might actually think that it's David Wright that is bringing the team down, and the rest of the team would be better without him trying to get in people's heads. It is a nightmare scenerio, seems completely ridiculous, and I have no basis for thinking this. I just wouldn't be completely surprized if it was something Minaya would consider.

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