Thursday, April 24, 2008

But Mommy!....

Yankee Mom, er, manager, Joe Girardi, has taken candy out of the Yankees' clubhouse. It's funny, really. The fact that professional baseball players are given candy bars in their lockerrooms completely fits with the childish image we have of them. Players are constantly begging for more money, asking for private jets, and whining when something doesn't quite go their way. Just like when these guys were spoiled kids begging for more allowance or more oreos. But unlike those of us that grew out of that and sometimes act like adults, most pro ballplayers haven't quite advanced that far. The fact that Girardi has to take their candy away from them because they are so spoiled that they can't control themselves around it, is hilarious, but not that surprizing. I hate going on some bullshit 'high horse' type rant here, but it is just so symptomatic of the culture of professional baseball, and America.

Does this mean Bobby "El Comedulce" Abreu needs a nickname change?

The selfishness doesn't elude the Mets' franchise either. The way these guys are coddled is shocking at times. Delgado finally got moved down in the lineup, from 5th to 6th last night, and it was treated like such a big deal. Everyone wondered how Delgado would feel. How is this going to effect the team? What the fuck!?!? The guy is washed up, bat him eighth, release him, something. How is it going to effect the team? The team will obviously be better without that hole in the lineup. And Castillo gets moved to eighth last week and Willie has to worry about how Castillo is going to feel about it? Of course he's not going to be happy about it, but fuck, get a few hits and you can bat second again. It's just a shame that once players sign big contracts, their status on the field is dictated by the contract, and not by their performance anymore.

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